Flexible Virtualization Benefit


This guide explains options to move workloads to the cloud under the Flexible Virtualization Benefit—an expansion of the outsourcing software management right for customers with subscription licenses or licenses with active Software Assurance1. Previously, customers deploying licenses under outsourcing software management rights were limited to Authorized Outsourcers’ servers dedicated to a single customer’s use. Now, customers also have the option to deploy eligible licenses on Authorized Outsourcers’ shared servers. While the sections of this guide focus on use of a few products (SQL Server (per core), Windows Server, Microsoft 365 Apps and Windows 10/11), the Flexible Virtualization Benefit applies broadly to all software products. This includes desktop applications, developer tools and other server applications and license models not otherwise referenced in this guide. Provided the customer has subscription licenses or licenses with Software Assurance, the same terms that govern use on-premises apply to customers’ use under licenses deployed under the Flexible Virtualization Benefit. Customers should refer to the Product Terms to determine when Flexible Virtualization benefit applies and how to exercise those rights.


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